Privacy Policy, Cookies and Your Rights was conceived in a post-overshare, post-GDPR and privacy-aware world. Consequently our Privacy Policy is, we hope, presented in terms which are easy to understand and conveyed in the plainest language possible.

Your Data maintains a default policy that no personal data will be shared, at any time, with any third party or external entity unless required by law. Additionally we operate a no-retention policy whereby we delete, at the earliest opportunity, data which should not be maintained and persisted by law. There are some exceptions to that rule:

  1. If you engage in a financial transaction with us we are required by law to maintain a record of said transaction forever. Such information cannot be deleted, even under GDPR or your local equivalent law. It is, however, protected in such a fashion as to mitigate the risks of a data breach. As such, does not directly record nor store anywhere on its servers any financially-sensitive information pertaining to yourself.
  2. [We do not presently offer this service, but might in the future] If you consent to share contact information (email address or telephone number) with one of our client venues, said data can and likely will be uploaded to You may at any time and for any reason request that any such information be removed from our systems. You don't need to justify the deletion. We will remove your data once we've verified you're the concerned party.
  3. We utilise Google Analytics in order to understand activity on our website. You can view Google's privacy policy at


The only cookies placed on your device by are those pertaining to the proper functioning of the website itself, and, potentially, those pertaining to Google Analytics as mentioned in the "Your Data" section. We're deeply opposed to the concept of including a multitude of arbitrary tracking and/or advertising cookies (looking at you, BigSocialNetworkâ„¢) and will never place such cookies on your device.

Your Rights

We'd like to believe that the information presented on this page is as clear and pertinent as possible. If you have any queries pertaining to your data or the information on this page, feel free to Contact Us. It is your right that we address any concerns and, where possible, remedy said concerns on the shortest possible timescale.